Friday, March 6, 2020

Mac Vs. PC Which Is The Better Fit For You

Mac Vs. PC Which Is The Better Fit For You image via Are you thinking about buying a new computer for school and can’t decide whether to go with a Mac or a PC? The decision is tough and it is definitely not something you want to rush into. Here are some factors to consider, which will hopefully make your choice a bit easier (I’m a Mac girl myself, but I’ll try and give you the best of both worlds). What is favored at your school? This is a big factor for which computer you should get. Go on your school’s website and see which computer type they would recommend. If the website doesn’t tell you, make sure to ask your tour guide when you see the school. They’ll be able to tell you what they would recommend and also what other students are using. Like at UC Santa Cruz, for example, Macs seem to be the favored choice over PCs. This helps with file sharing (a lot of things are turned in online), and if your teacher is giving an in-class tutorial about how to use a certain program, it helps if you are using the same operating system. If you don’t get the same kind, it’s not the end of the world, but I would recommend going with what the majority of your school uses. If you do end up getting a different type, make sure that you are computer savvy, and will be able to convert files so people who have different computers can see them. I have a Mac, and a friend of mine who had a PC wanted me to correct her essay, and I couldn’t open the file. It took us a while to figure it out (we aren’t very tech savvy), but you definitely wouldn’t want to send a file to a professor that they can’t open. If it’s a big class, they might just fail you for the assignment, so watch out for that!  What’s better for your major? image via Your major is another key thing to consider. As a literature major, the main things on my computer are word documents, so a Mac was a good fit for me. Emma Formato, a first year art/HAVC student at UC Santa Cruz, prefers Macs over PCs. “I currently own a PC and it doesn’t have a lot of the same abilities that Macs do,” she said. Of course this is preference, but another reason that Formato prefers Macs is “they are also more compatible for art programs.” When you are researching which computer to buy, look up what your major recommends, or go to Best Buy or the Apple store and ask what they would recommend for your major. I know you may think they will just try and get you to buy their product, but a lot of the people really do want to help you out and will be honest about the capabilities of the computer and what will best fit your needs. You don’t want to have an impulse buy and then have it not be right for your major. This site will give you an idea of which computer might be a good fit for the major you wish to pursue (it was on point for mine). Price and Quality A computer is a big investment, so you want to make sure that you are investing in the right thing. Apple products usually don’t sell for less than $1000, whereas PCs offer a wide range of prices to choose from. iamge via According to this article, by Clint Pumphrey, “this doesn’t necessarily mean that Macs are more expensive than PCs with similar specifications. Rather, in general, Apple has chosen to build its Mac line around higher-end computers with betterâ€"and more costlyâ€"components,” Pumphrey wrote. So basically if you want a high-end computer, it doesn’t matter much if you pick a Mac or a PC because their prices will be similar. Pumphrey also mentions in the article that comparing the computers is a challenge because of how different they are. Flynn Moore, a third year Earth and planetary sciences student at UC Santa Cruz, said that he prefers Macs because they “are of better quality and have better programs.” This again will be based on opinion, so when picking a computer based on the price, make sure to also keep the quality in mind. You don’t want to purchase a cheap computer that will crap out on you in a year, but you also don’t want to purchase something super fancy-shmancy if you don’t need to.  Choices Another thing that Pumphrey mentioned in his article is that PCs offer more choices than Macs do. Apple offers only five computer lines, but Pumphrey said “this limited selection is not a sign of weakness, but a part of the company’s ‘less is more’ approach to marketing.” image via If you are a non-tech person like me, having fewer choices is usually better. Lulit Tadesse, a first year film and digital media student at UC Santa Cruz, said “Macs are what I am used to and it is easy, efficient, simple to use, and modern to me.” Basically, if you know how to work one Mac product, you know how to work them all. PCs on the other hand will give you a large selection when choosing a computer. Pumphrey said that “many consumers see this large selection as a benefit because they’re more likely to find a computer that meets their exact needs.” This is very true. With more variety, you will be better able to pick a computer that goes with your school needs as well as your leisure needs. If you are a gamer, you are going to want a computer that can run games efficiently, as well as have something to bust out your homework on. This also allows you to choose something simple if you aren’t going to be using the computer for things that are too complex. Want some more comparisons? Check out this article on Intel!  What’s in the family? My family knows Macs really well, so if I ever have a problem with my computer, I can call one of them up and have them help me out. This isn’t saying you have to get what your family has, but I think that it is really helpful for when you need help with things. I also know that some people are really against Apple, or really pro Apple, so you wouldn’t want to step on anyone’s toes! The Verdict At the end of the day, you are the one who is going to be using the computer, so make sure you get something that you like and will be able to work with. Listen to other peoples opinions, but also stick to your gut. You want a computer that will last you for a long time, so you really want to make sure you are satisfied with your choice! Happy picking. image via

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